Welcome To County Kildare
Explore Kildare
Explore Kildare 〰️
Events In Kildare
Whether you are just passing through and looking for adventure, or a local looking to rediscover the magic of Kildare, head over to our event calendar and see what's on.
Places In Kildare
Not sure where to go? We have a guide to the many towns and villages in County Kildare. See information on the place, where to eat & stay and how to get there.
Kildare VR Experience
Looking for fun things to do in Kildare Town? Legends of Kildare VR Experience is a magical adventure that connects you with ancient characters & legends.
Activities & Attractions
Stuck for things to do? We have compiled a huge list of activities and attractions from all around County Kildare, click below to go and explore!

The Ages
Looking for more? Checkout the Into Kildare website, which is a fantastic source of information about Co. Kildare.
Legends of Kildare VR Experience
Legends of Kildare Virtual Reality Experience transports you back in time on an emotional and magical journey which allows you to connect directly with ancient characters & legends.
Legends of Kildare isn't just a history lesson - it's an engaging adventure, that let's you travel back in time. You'll have the chance to see ancient training sessions of the Fianna and even fly through the air with a Peregrine falcon!